
Happy Studying-during-summer-vacation Day

Have been mad studying since I first opened my eyes this morning. Ok not that early, but earlier than I ever do.
Radish cake.
Study. Water. Study. More water. Study.
Chili mangoes. Stuuuuudyyyy. Half giant egg tart.
Study. Study. HP Prizoner of Azkaban. Chicken selects. French fries. Nom nom. Continued HP.
Brain dead beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......

Since then I have killed 3 pesky mosquitoes and certainly studied more. Now, I'm watching as mini moths gather at the tear in the window screen trying to fight their way into the room. Noooooo!
I need to start my midterm soon, but I should also study more. Ugggggh. Hate.

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