
Wrong Turn

I don't see why I get so excited for school to start all the time when I know I'll be super annoyed when it starts lol. Well I guess just with having to use my brain. This year has started out with so much fun! Last night I went to a Starfucker show at The Loft. They're amazingly good and cute. I don't mean looks cute. They were dressed up as girls and one of them had a prom dress on hehe. Except my ears really hurt now from Deelay Ceelay who went on before them. They were these two guys who both played on drum sets, with strobe lights underneath them, and a projection of random videos in the background. My head was spinning like crazy. Waaah! Really though, it was so much fun!
As of today, I'm a member of The Loft Street Team :) It's also a partial internship. I the position entails other members and myself to do the grunt work, but it'll offer a sense of purpose. I also get to go to the shows for free. OMG! You guys can't tell, but I'm bursting with excitement. Well on the inside, since my roomies are studying haha.
I also went to Warren Field and ran 3 laps today. I didn't know it was the size of three soccer fields!! Instead of that being a motivator because I get to run less laps, it actually slowed me down. Since the starting point for the laps was so far away all the time.
Chinese class is also proving to be harder than I thought. And I like how the professor keeps telling us that Taiwanese and Cantonese people are not speaking Mandarin the proper way. I guess she's not doing it very condescendingly, but I'm certain she is implying it.

1 comment:

katie said...

i just read your blog!
congrats on being part of the loftttttt

i should start running too or going to the gym sometime :(