
i feel mean

Arial just showed me fmylife.com over the weekend and i feel evil whenever i look at it. And yet i cannot look away. I guess it's not as bad as browsing through morbid pictures of people dying or whatever. BUT STILL! I guess some of them are just there because supposed to evoke laughter, but some of them are just really really really sad. I laughed at someone these too. I hate laughing during inappropriate situations, it makes me feel real mean. But i guess when people post info online they're really inviting people to look at their life, however sad it is.
Which leads to another thing. Facebook/myspace stalking! The internet fosters voyeurism! It creates this place for crazy people to watch you. (WHOOOOOS THIS?)
Haha ok I realized this entry has lost its seriousness.


linjamarie said...

you are mean, but we still love you :) just kidding, but I think those people post 'em because they themselves think it's laughable! my roommate (the one that reminds me of you) is currently laughing at very sad ones... PERFECT! you should visit me and meet her :)

Unknown said...

you are mean
enough said

Jessica said...


WHOOOOOOOS THIS? haha jk. :) fmylife ftw.

Kelsey Wong said...